Best Jimmy Buffet Song Quotes That’ll Give you Chills – Darling Quote

Inside: Best Jimmy Buffet song quotes that will tug at your heart strings

In my experience, there are very few people in this world who don’t like music. I find this to be very telling about who they are as people. I have a hard time trusting anyone who doesn’t enjoy a good tune or a deep lyric.

Music inspires us to feel, it helps us to connect to our feelings in a way that we wouldn’t be able to otherwise. I’m sure you’ve experienced this as well, emotions that are just too big for you to be able to comprehend. But then that one song comes on and it explains how you’re feeling in a beautiful melody and you get to feel seen.

One of my all-time favorite artists is the famous Jimmy Buffett. I’ve always connected with his music ever since I was just a little kid. So today, I wanted to share with you some of my all-time favorite Best Jimmy Buffett song quotes!

Famous Jimmy Buffet Song Quotes

I figured the best place to start would be the most famous quotes. Honestly, every single one of these quotes on this list is pretty well known, but this first section are top-tier. Many people misattribute quotes like Jimmy Buffetts, so if you are curious about which quotes you’ve been misattributing, check out this list of famous incorrect quotes!

1. “Time flies when you’re having rum.” – “Time to Go Home”

2. “There’s no money in her pocket, but there’s music in her bones.” – “Life Is Just a Tire Swing”

3. “I might go to Key West, I might go to Rome. I might spend all my money on absolutely nothing at all.” – “It’s My Job”

4. “Wish I could run to the sun, ‘long the seven-mile bridge.” – “The Pascagoula Run”

5. “Now, I pay attention to the space between the stars.” – “The Captain and the Kid”

6. “Some of it’s magic, some of it’s tragic, but I had a good life all the way.” – “He Went to Paris”

7. “Don’t try to describe the ocean if you’ve never seen it.” – “Pirate Looks at Forty”

8. “If life gives you limes, make margaritas.” – “Cowboy in the Jungle”

9. “It’s a crazy world and I’m a lucky guy to be a part of it.” – “Life Is Just a Tire Swing”

10. “I’d rather be lucky than good.” – “The Wino and I Know”

11. “And in the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” – “Coast of Marseilles”

12. “Wasting away again in Margaritaville, searching for my lost shaker of salt.” – “Margaritaville”

13. “Wrinkles will only go where the smiles have been.” – “Breathe In, Breathe Out, Move On”

14. “It’s a fine line between Saturday night and Sunday morning.” – “Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season”

15. “If we couldn’t laugh, we would all go insane.” – “Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes”

Don't try to describe the ocean if you've never seen it. Quote from Jimmy Buffett.

Deep Quotes from J.B

One thing about Jimmy Buffett is that he not only has very uplifting and downright hilarious songs, but he also has some that go deeper. These quotes below are a combination of the two, they will make you laugh and cry.

16. “I’d rather die while I’m living than live while I’m dead.” – “Growing Older but Not Up”

17. “There’s a woman to blame.” – “Margaritaville”

18. “It takes no more time to see the good side of life than it takes to see the bad.” – “Breathe In, Breathe Out, Move On”

19. “I’m growing older but not up.” – “Growing Older but Not Up”

20. “Searching for my lost shaker of salt.” – “Margaritaville”

21. “There’s a little bit of fruitcake left in everyone.” – “Fruitcakes”

22. “If we weren’t all crazy, we would go insane.” – “Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes”

23. “I’m growing older but not up, and my metabolic rate is pleasantly stuck.” – “Growing Older but Not Up”

24. “The weather is here; I wish you were beautiful.” – “The Weather Is Here, I Wish You Were Beautiful”

25. “Yes, I am a pirate, two hundred years too late.” – “A Pirate Looks at Forty”

26. “I’d like to be there myself, but I’ve got to save what I can, stranded again in Boogie-woogie Flats.” – “Boogie Woogie Flu”

27. “I’ve read dozens of books about heroes and crooks, and I’ve learned much from both of their styles.” – “A Pirate Looks at Forty”

28. “It’s those changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes, nothing remains quite the same.” – “Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes”

29. “But there’s this one particular harbor, so far, but yet so near.” – “One Particular Harbor”

30. “If the phone doesn’t ring, it’s me.” – “If the Phone Doesn’t Ring, It’s Me”

There's a little bit of magic everybody has it. Quote from Jimmy Buffett.

Lovely Quotes in Jimmy Buffet Songs

It was heartbreaking to learn that Jimmy Buffett had passed away, but one thing that brought me comfort was knowing that his music will continue to be listened to for ages. His words below will live on forever.

31. “It’s a crazy world, and I’m a lucky guy to still be in it.” – “Lucky Stars”

32. “But there’s booze in the blender, and soon it will render that frozen concoction that helps me hang on.” – “Margaritaville”

33. “The sea’s in my veins, my tradition remains. I’m just glad I don’t live in a trailer.” – “Tin Cup Chalice”

34. “Gimme oysters and beer for dinner every day of the year, and I’ll be fine.” – “A Pirate Looks at Forty”

35. “My head hurts, my feet stink, and I don’t love Jesus.” – “God’s Own Drunk”

36. “There’s this one particular harbor, sheltered from the wind, where the children play on the shore each day and all are safe within.” – “One Particular Harbor”

37. “The best navigators are not quite sure where they’re going until they get there.” – “Saxophones”

38. “I’m living and dying with the choices I made.” – “A Pirate Looks at Forty”

39. “We are the people our parents warned us about.” – “We Are the People Our Parents Warned Us About”

40. “And the stories are true, that they black and they’re blue, and life’s one big question mark.” – “Stories We Could Tell”

41. “When you reach for the stars, don’t forget the flowers at your feet.” – “Fruitcakes”

42. “There’s a little bit of magic, everybody has it.” – “Fruitcakes”

43. “We’ll all be planning that route we’re gonna take real soon.” – “Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes”

44. “I can’t be the wind, but I can be your breeze.” – “Breathe In, Breathe Out, Move On”

45. “I’ve got a schoolboy heart, a novelist’s eye, and an eager appetite.” – “Schoolboy Heart”

Yes I am a pirate, two hundred years too late. Quote from Jimmy Buffett.

Best Jimmy Buffet Song Quotes

All right, now this last section is full of my all time favorite Best Jimmy Buffett song quotes. If you’ve enjoyed reading this so far I really think that this list is going to blow your mind.

46. “Sometimes we’re the Louisville Slugger, baby, sometimes we’re the ball.” – “Fruitcakes”

47. “Come Monday, it’ll be all right.” – “Come Monday”

48. “But there’s this one particular harbor, so far, but yet so near.” – “One Particular Harbor”

49. “I don’t want the whole world, the sun, the moon, and all their light.” – “Don’t Want the Whole World”

50. “Life is short, but sweet for certain.” – “Two Tickets to Paradise”

51. “You can’t always do what’s right, but you can always do what’s left.” – “The Last Line”

52. “There’s another woman waitin’ in the car.” – “Boat Drinks”

53. “We are the people our parents warned us about.” – “We Are the People Our Parents Warned Us About”

54.  “If we weren’t all crazy, we would go insane.” – “Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes”

55. “Life is just a tire swing.” – “Life Is Just a Tire Swing”

56. “Reality is just a crutch for people who can’t cope with drugs.” – “A Pirate Looks at Forty”

57. “But there’s a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning.” – “Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season”

58. “And I have found me a home in the family of things.” – “The Captain and the Kid”

59. “If life gives you limes, make margaritas.” – “Cowboy in the Jungle”

60. “I’d rather die while I’m living than live while I’m dead.” – “Growing Older but Not Up”

As I reflect on the soothing melodies of Jimmy Buffett‘s songs that have guided me through this journey, I’m reminded that life is indeed a beautiful, ever-changing adventure. Buffett’s lyrics have taught me to savor the moment, embrace the simple pleasures, and always keep an eye on the horizon. In the words of the man himself, “Changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes”

This article has hopefully inspired you to take a moment, escape to your own personal paradise, and appreciate the magic that surrounds us every day.

So, let’s raise a glass to the “fins up” spirit and continue to sail on toward the endless horizons of life, guided by the wisdom of Jimmy Buffett’s timeless tunes. Cheers to a life filled with “Margaritaville” moments and endless possibilities!

For more lyrical genius, check out the best song quotes of all time.

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  • “If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.” – A. A. Milne


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