Graduation Announcement Wording Ideas

Graduations deserve to be celebrated. Most mark the occasion with custom graduation announcements—because when you’ve kept your nose in the books for that long, your hard work deserves to be broadcast to all your friends and family. This is a huge milestone and accomplishment and even if your loved ones close to you already know about the occasion, it’s a tradition to also inform those you don’t speak to on a daily basis. Sending personalized graduation announcements will let your friends and family know how hard you worked over the years to gain your high school, college, or graduate degree. Rely on Shutterfly to celebrate a graduation of any kind, with custom grad party decor, graduation gifts, and more.

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three custom graduation cards for 2024

What Is Included In A Graduation Announcement?

No matter if you’re graduating with your doctorate degree or your diploma from high school, contents of graduation announcements don’t vary a lot. Just make sure to include the following in your announcement so guests know the who, what, when, where and why of the big day. After you’ve got those details included, the rest is really up to you. Whether you’re parent of a graduating student or you’re the grad-to-be, you’ll choose if your announcement will be formal or informal, straight forward or affectionate and whether or not to include a photo. Just ensure your graduation announcement card includes:

  • Full Name
  • School Name
  • Degree Type/Focus of Study
  • Class Year
  • Honors
  • Year/Date/Time
  • Location
  • Other Details (Party Information, Dress code, Gifts, etc)

High School Graduation Announcement Wording

2024 graduation announcement cards

When personalizing your graduation announcement cards, the wording style you choose should reflect your personality, tastes, and your accomplishments all while staying informative. Depending on how you want to tell everyone about the achievements you’ve made throughout the years, you may choose to include an inspiring graduation quote that reflects this special time in your life for a cute and meaningful touch and the journey ahead. Of course, you’ll also want to include some of the best graduation photos of yourself to show off to family and friends.

1st Sample

Class of 2024

Announcing the graduation of

Madison Lee June

Westlake High School

May 24th, 2024

Two O’clock

Madison will be attending

San Diego State University in the fall

Majoring in Bioengineering


2nd Sample

With Pride and Joy

Mr. and Mrs. McGinn

Announce the Graduation of their son

Patrick McGinn from

Eagle Mountain High School, May 18, 2024

Patrick graduated with honors and plans to attend Harvard in the fall


3rd Sample

Class of 2024

We are thrilled to announce the graduation of

Laura Ayers

St. Francis High School

June 30, 2024

Laura will be taking a gap year and attending the University of Washington

In the fall of 2023 to pursue a degree in Child Development


College Graduation Announcement Wording

graduation announcements

The past four years or so of your life were spent devoted to your studies, which deserve to be recognized. Staying with a more formal theme means using a serious tone. Dive deep into your vocabulary bank, avoid using slang, and compose sentences for a formal wording style that is perfect for spreading this exciting news. Be sure to include the information for the graduation party too. If formal announcements aren’t your style, then you can go with a more informal wording theme, but try to keep it from being overly casual. The major difference between a college graduation announcement and high school is the need to include the degree earned. Follow the templates below and edit if and where you see fit.

1st Sample

University of Southern California

Class of 2024


Nick Jones


Completing his degree in

Non Profit Management

Please join us for the Commencement Ceremonies

On May second, two thousand and twenty four

at 12 o’clock

Parker Stadium


2nd Sample

Justin Monroe

University of Miami


With a Bachelor’s in English Literature

Congratulate the graduate

at the Commencement Ceremony


Jones Yount Stadium


3rd Sample

2024 Grad

Maria Gonzales

Graduated from New York University

With a Bachelor of Arts in Drama

Celebrate with us at Commencement

On May third, two thousand and twenty four

5 O’Clock

Clark Fisher Auditorium

Master’s Degree Announcement Wording Templates

Achieving a master’s degree is certainly an achievement worth celebrating. Spread the word of your milestone accomplishment with a traditional graduation announcement. It is a nice way to let your loved ones know that you’ve accomplished your goal.

1st Template

We are proud to be announcing

the Graduation of

Haley Hughes

University of Alabama

with a

Master’s Degree



June 12, 2024

Join us for Commencement Exercises


Harley Stadium


2nd Template

The verdict is in

Kyle Donaldson

is finally done with his

Law Degree


Seattle University School of Law

Join us

June 12, 2024

Five O‘ Clock

Jean Smith Stadium


3rd Template

Hats off to the Graduate

Jonas H. Briggs, MBA

Class of 2024

Foster School of Business

Commencement Exercise takes place

May 20th, 2024 at 3PM




Doctorate Degree Announcement Wording Templates

Few people accomplish a doctorate degree during their lifetime. Make sure you get the achievement recognition you deserve with the following wording examples for graduation announcement cards.

1st Template

Dr. Erin Lee Shields

I am pleased to announce that I,

Erin Lee Shields

am receiving my Doctorate in Medicine

from University of Florida

Please join me at Commencement Exercises

Tuesday May 15 at 6:00PM

Phillips Center for the Performing Arts


2nd Template

Please join us in wishing

Timothy Stevens

Congratulations on his

Doctor of Philosophy

from Northwestern University

Commencement Ceremonies

on Saturday, June 20

at 7 o’clock in the evening

Richard Green Field


3rd Template

Class of 2024


the graduation of

Elizabeth Peterson, J.D.


University of Pennsylvania Law School

Join us for Commencement Ceremonies

on Sunday, June 12

at 12 o’ clock in the afternoon

Performing Arts Center

Nursing Degree Announcement Wording Template

graduation announcement

It’s taken a lot to reach the graduation ceremony of your nursing degree. Celebrate the right way by telling everyone what you’ve achieved. Check out our graduation announcement wording examples below to get you started:

1st Template

I am pleased to announce that I,

Kelly Ann Fisher

am receiving my

Masters of Science Degree in Nursing

From University of Pittsburgh

Please join me at my Pinning Ceremony

May 15th at 7:00PM

John Newmann Field


2nd Template

Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson are pleased to

announce the graduation of their daughter

Emily Louise Donaldson

from the University of Minnesota

School of Nursing

May 28th , 2024 at 2PM

Gopher Stadium


3rd Template

I, am pleased to announce that I,

Rachel Calhoun

am receiving my

Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing from

Johns Hopkins University

Class of 2024

Join me for Commencement Exercises

May 15th, 2024 at 2PM

Hopkins Stadium

Graduation Announcement Wording From Parents

You’re so proud of everything your child has accomplished through their years, and you can’t wait to tell all of your friends and family. Help spread the joy with the following graduation announcement samples:

1st Sample

Mr. and Mrs. Meyerson

Proudly Announce the Graduation of

Oscar James Meyerson


Sunday, the Nineteenth of December

Two Thousand Twenty Four

With a

Bachelor of Arts Degree in

Sports Management

Holland Municipal Stadium



2nd Sample

Every yesterday is

a memory of dreams.

Every tomorrow is a vision of hope.

With great joy and pride

Brenda and Ken Henry

announce the graduation of their son

Hudson James Henry

from California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo

on June 12th at 2PM

Richard O’Neill Green Stadium


3rd Sample

Natalie and Doug

are proud to announce

the Graduation of Dominic L. Chance


University of California Los Angeles

They invite you to share their happiness

at Commencement Exercises

on May 15th, 2024

at 12 o’clock

Performing Arts Center

No Graduation Party Wording

Whether you’re hosting a private graduation party just for family and don’t want to send the invite to everyone, or if you’re simply going on a trip instead, you may want to keep party details off your grad announcements. If so, make sure to check out the wording examples below:

1st Sample

Announcing the graduation of

Charlie Ngo, MD


University of Washington

School of Medicine

specializing in pediatrics

Class of 2024


2nd Sample

Kelsea Jensen is graduating!

Class of 2024

San Francisco State University

B.S. in Chemistry

Magna cum Laude


3rd Sample

Michelle Murakami

Graduated from University of Colorado at Boulder

On May 7th, 2024

With a Bachelors in English Literature

Funny Graduation Wording Template

Are you known for your sense of humor, or is your graduating child a known class clown? If so, make sure to read the funny graduation wording examples below:

1st Template

Bring on the Pomp and Circumstance

Class of 2024


Annie Zuinga, MBA

University of Washington

Foster School of Business


2nd Template

Yay! I am finally free!

And am pleased to announce that I,

Jeremiah Dickerson,

am receiving my Bachelor’s of Science in Business

from California Polytechnic State University

June 12, 2024


Performing Arts Center


3rd Template

She’s passed her exams

without a frown

Now she’s the hottest

hair stylist in town!

She’s ready to trim, cut,

color and wax

She’s graduated

with flying colors and

is ready to the max.

Please join us for the Graduation of

Melissa Lynn Fernald

from Beauty School

June 15, 2024


Jones Resource Center

Graduation Announcement Wording Tips

Announcing your graduation can be fun, exciting and even stressful. Just remember these tips when personalizing your big news on custom graduation announcements.

  • Designate “no gifts” someplace on the announcement if you would prefer not to receive any.
  • Be as clear as possible.
  • Indicate if there is a dress code.
  • Double check your spelling.
  • Design an announcement that is true to you.
High school graduation announcements

Find the perfect graduation announcements for your unique student.

How To Address A Grad Announcement

Unsure of how to address a graduation invitation or announcement? Here are a few quick tips and examples. Use the link above for more detailed instruction.

The mailing envelope of the announcement should be hand addressed and legible in blue or black ink. This might show as:

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

1235 Clarabelle Dr.

Desoto, TX 75115

You can address people informally in the inner envelope. This holds the announcement. Informal addressing may look like:


Aunt Brenda and Uncle Troy

Lee and Kim


Resources Related to Graduation Announcement Wording

Graduation is a major life accomplishment and everyone should celebrate with proper praise and applause. However, the celebration can’t begin if everyone isn’t in on the big news. Let everyone know you’ve achieved your educational goals with style. And don’t forget to send graduation thank you cards (along with graduation-themed address labels) after all the festivities. Use our guide to reference tips for what to write on graduation thank you cards.

Once you have your graduation wording picked out, reference our comprehensive guide to graduation announcement etiquette and articles. These include when to send graduation announcements and addressing graduation invitations to make sure your good news (in the form of personalized graduation invitations) gets to where it’s going.

Finally, if your grad is looking for more inspiration, take a peek at our graduation cap ideas article.

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  • “If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.” – A. A. Milne


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