Jesus and Coffee Quotes | Coffee with God

Coffee lovers start their day similarly, pouring a cup of coffee for some energy. But why not add a little inspiration to that caffeine? There’s no greater source of inspiration than Jesus. Combine the two and you get some inspiring Jesus and coffee quotes.

Jesus and coffee quotes help inspire us each morning with a cup of coffee and a dose of the glory of God to start the day off with positivity. Quotes About Coffee | Motivating Morning Quotes | Funny Coffee Quotes | Fun Quotes | Fun Coffee Quotes | Jesus Quotes | Quotes About Jesus | Inspirational Jesus Quotes | Inspirational Coffee Quotes | Coffee and Jesus Quotes | Inspirational Morning Quotes | Religious Quotes for Inspiration

Jesus and coffee quotes help inspire us each morning with a cup of coffee and a dose of the glory of God to start the day off with positivity. Globally, the most popular drink in the world is water, after that, tea.

But coffee reigns supreme in the US, after water, of course. Did you know the coffee bean may have been discovered in Ethiopia? In fact, it is believed that coffee was invented in Ethiopia and then traveled north to Yemen, where it grew in popularity.

Jesus and Coffee Quotes Close Up of a Steaming Cup of Coffee

Ethiopia is still in the top ten coffee bean growers in the world. However, the number one producer of coffee beans is now Brazil. This means that coffee is an Ethiopian beverage that we enjoy every morning.

Sure, you may have twists on it, most coming from Italy, like espressos, macchiatos, and lattes. But the base of all drinks is the coffee bean originating in Ethiopia. Does that make an espresso a fusion drink?

Jesus and Coffee Quotes Close Up of a Cup of Coffee on a Bed with an Olive Branch Next to it

Coffee has become a part of our lives in one way or another. Even those who don’t drink coffee usually find themselves surrounded by the drink at work or even at home. Like coffee, Jesus is another thing you simply can’t escape.

People turn to religion for many different reasons; the inspiring power of Jesus is one of them. Jesus is an excellent source of inspiration for many, and he is the star of the most-read book in the world.

Jesus and Coffee Quotes Close Up of Coffee Beans

This book is filled with stories that motivate, inspire, and move people in ways that coffee can’t accomplish. But we can start our days with a coffee mug and some inspiration only Jesus can provide, like by reading some Jesus and coffee quotes for a morning boost.

Jesus and Coffee Quotes Jesus & Coffee. One gives you life; the other sustains it.

Jesus & Coffee. One gives you life; the other sustains it.

Many people believe that Jesus is the creator of life on Earth. He built life on Earth in 6 days and then relaxed on the 7th. Some people also believe they just can’t start their days until they have coffee.

Therefore, Jesus gave life, and coffee sustains it.

Jesus and Coffee Quotes “My cup overflows with your blessings.” -Psalms 23:5

“My cup overflows with your blessings.” -Psalms 23:5

This Psalm might just be the most popular bible verse in the world. David is thanking God for all of the blessings he has provided. Those blessings give David the strength to power through even the darkest valleys, for he carries the blessings of God.

High quality coffee is a blessing from God, and our cups surely runneth with it daily.

Jesus and Coffee Quotes Coffee gets me started; Jesus keeps me going.

Coffee gets me started; Jesus keeps me going.

One of the Jesus and coffee quotes earlier talks about how coffee sustains life. But this quote flips the script by zooming in on our individual days. We start our day with coffee and then ask, “what would Jesus do?” throughout the rest of the day.

Both can be true in the world of the Lord.

Jesus and Coffee Quotes May your coffee be strong…and your faith stronger.

May your coffee be strong…and your faith stronger.

There is nothing like waking up to a delicious-smelling pot of coffee. Bonus points if that coffee is strong enough to keep us going. But our faith should be even stronger.

The motivational power of the word of God is thus that it can solve many of our personal issues.

Jesus and Coffee Quotes With Jesus in her heart and coffee in her hand, she is unstoppable.

With Jesus in her heart and coffee in her hand, she is unstoppable.

Some things in this world make us think we can handle anything and everything. Coffee makes us feel like we can tackle the day’s tasks without slowing down. But Jesus is what picks us up when those tasks start to feel a little overwhelming.

Together, they make us all unstoppable.

Jesus and Coffee Quotes Inhale the aroma of coffee, and exhale the presence of Jesus Christ.

Inhale the aroma of coffee, and exhale the presence of Jesus Christ.

Our cup overflowth with delicious coffee. We inhale that aroma and take in the energy the strong drink provides us. Next time, exhale, knowing that Jesus is present in that cup, his blessings, and his will.

Jesus and Coffee Quotes Good days start with coffee & Jesus.

Good days start with coffee & Jesus.

You know it will be a good day when you start it off with a warm cup of coffee and a bit of inspiration only Jesus can provide as the heart of man. Try to start your days with more of this.

Eventually, you will make it a habit that inspires. You may even start inspiring those around you.

Jesus and Coffee Quotes Coffee and Jesus: A heavenly combination to start my day right.

Coffee and Jesus: A heavenly combination to start my day right.

What are some heavenly things you enjoy in life? The love of a family, the warmth of friendship, and the delicious flavors of coffee come to mind. However, everyone has their own ways of experiencing heaven on Earth.

Coffee should just be on most lists. As well as these inspirational quotes. 

Jesus and Coffee Quotes All I need today is a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus.

All I need today is a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus.

Sometimes, we wake up knowing that the day ahead is not going to be an easy one. That is when we know we will need a lot of Jesus in our day—no better time to start than with your cup of coffee.

O Lord, that cup of coffee from the coffee shops will do some heavy lifting today.

Jesus and Coffee Quotes Enjoy a quiet moment with God today.

Enjoy a quiet moment with God today.

These Jesus and coffee quotes remind us that we need to carry Jesus with us everywhere we go. We should also use our time wisely. Pour that morning coffee, and then take a moment and reflect on the blessings Jesus has given you.

Remind yourself of your faith and let it help carry you through your day.

Jesus and coffee quotes help inspire us each morning with a cup of coffee and a dose of the glory of God to start the day off with positivity. Quotes About Coffee | Motivating Morning Quotes | Funny Coffee Quotes | Fun Quotes | Fun Coffee Quotes | Jesus Quotes | Quotes About Jesus | Inspirational Jesus Quotes | Inspirational Coffee Quotes | Coffee and Jesus Quotes | Inspirational Morning Quotes | Religious Quotes for Inspiration

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  • “If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.” – A. A. Milne


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