Love is a complicated emotion because it encompasses every emotion. A loving relationship is filled with happiness, sadness, anger, excitement, and fear; it has everything, including sarcasm. Sarcastic Valentines Day quotes help us digest multiple emotions that make up love.
These sarcastic Valentines Day quotes can either inspire or motivate relationships; the choice is yours. Search for funny Valentine’s Day quotes to share with your special person, and you will find that most of them are mushy.
There’s nothing wrong with the celebration of love, especially for those with a healthy relationship status. We will have to ditch our single friends for this one. There simply isn’t room for them in our love language.

The problem with romantic love is that it is already everywhere. We see the expression of true love in romantic movies and TV shows. Things are amplified as we get closer to February 14th, the day of love.
People are out shopping for Valentine’s Day gifts; some are writing a love letter, and others are just hoping for a nice dinner in their committed relationship. However, the perfect balance in a relationship includes a bit of laughter.

Your specific language of love can differ, but everyone loves to laugh together. The perfect day is filled with smiles, laughter, and joy. How we get there can be different for everyone; it all depends on your sense of humor.
However, one of the most beautiful things about life is that we celebrate this special occasion however we want. Maybe the perfect thing for you is opening thoughtful gifts; others prefer a dinner, and some like to go with a fun option, sharing sarcastic Valentines Day quotes that utilize an unforgettable line.

Your Valentine’s Day messages are about to add a sense of humor to your Valentine’s Day card.
Sarcastic Valentines Day Quotes

Thanks for not being just another weirdo on the internet.
A little chocolate goes a long way in a relationship. However, not being a weirdo will definitely take you further. We have the vibe now of these funny Valentine quotes; it’s time to dive deeper into sarcasm to tickle that funny bone.

My love is like a candle. If you forget about me…I’ll burn your house down.
You must be careful who you enter into a relationship with; they will be there for the rest of your life. Maybe don’t piss them off enough to burn your house down. Forever is a long time; we don’t want to go back to single life. A better way is to share romantic quotes with this one.

I found the person I wanted to annoy for the rest of my life.
Happy Valentine’s Day! Hopefully, these sarcastic Valentines Day quotes help with your celebration of love and won’t force you into a celebration of self-love soon. Want to be a good husband? The last thing you want is to annoy your true love.

You are my favorite pain in the ass.
Love is a combination of emotions, remember? This means that being a pain in the ass is not only right, it is a responsibility. We must fill our partner’s lives with humor, and a great way to do that is to be a pain in the ass. Right?

You make me weak in the knees. Just kidding…yesterday was leg day.
Living a healthy lifestyle is important. This is one of the best sarcastic Valentines Day quotes because it highlights that we worked out, keeping our body’s looking good for the pain in our asses. What could possibly be more loving than that?

I want to grow old and disgusting with you.
Classic Valentine’s Day quotes probably don’t use the word “disgusting.” However, we could always spin it and say something like life would be disgusting without you. Anyway, what do you want for dinner?

I’m not yours; you’re not mine. Be my anti-valentine.
Being single means being constantly aware of Valentines Day as we lead up to it. Maybe one solution would be to find an anti-valentine. Even those couples who have finally realized the card companies created Valentine’s Day to sell, sell, sell! Rant over, Ted Talk done. You’re welcome.

I love you with all my butt…I would say my heart, but my butt is bigger.
Fellas, be careful walking this tight rope. Chances are she will be the one to bring this one up. Don’t take the bait. Hold in the laugh and live to see another day.

You are the type of guy I’d make a sandwich for.
There are no notes here. Why would anyone get in the way of getting a freshly made sandwich? What, do you think we’re crazy? Take the win with these sarcastic Valentines Day quotes.

I want to be the reason you look down at your phone and smile. Then, walk into a pole.
Love is a complicated emotion. It has ups, it has downs, it has mundane moments, and cliches. However, that is why it ends up being such a strong emotion. Love who you love, and don’t be afraid of anything when you’re together. Unless, of course, a pole pops up; for that, you’re on your own.

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